Thursday, January 22, 2009

On The Sanctity of Human Life

This is a fitting topic for my first political post. Being the survivor of a failed abortion attempt myself, and having lost two siblings to abortion, the topic is one that is very real and personal to me. To top it off, when I was pregnant with my first child and separated from my husband of about a year, my family encouraged me to have an abortion. I was 17 years old, and they counseled me to "cut my losses" and be able to go on with my life.

Thank God that the ultrasound was incorrect on how far along I was in my pregnancy. It looked like I was far enough along that I'd have had to travel out of state to have the "procedure." Again, I can't praise God enough for sparing the life of my oldest son, Troy, who's now 26 years old and married with 3 children of his own. Three grandchildren I'd never have had...a wonderful daughter-in-law that I'd never have had. There is so much that abortion robs a person of...

Today I had the opportunity to load onto a bus with 50+ other people, a mix of Protestants and Catholics, young and old, who are all like-minded in the belief that Life begins at Conception. We traveled the 4 hours up to our Great Nation's capitol, Washington, DC to participate in the annual March for Life, an event that has taken place every year since Roe vs. Wade rocked the moral fiber of our country.

I haven't heard any official numbers, but I've heard estimates that approximately 400,000 people took part in the rally. It was so encouraging to see the variety of people who were there...there were "Punkers for Life", "Rockers For Life", Christians, Jews, Democrats and Republicans. The event crossed generational, political, ethnic, and religious boundaries.

On the platform there were men and women (including Shirley, our wonderful group leader who still suffers the aftermath of the two abortions she'd had years ago) who'd lost children to the lie of abortion. They bravely held signs that declared, "I Regret My Abortion" and "I Regret My Lost Fatherhood."

A large number of our nation's Pro-Life Congress men and women spoke on behalf of the Preborn children who are murdered at a rate of 4000 per day. Members of the Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, and Jewish clergy gave powerful appeals to our new President, who just today signed legislation that provides for the use of our tax dollars to fund the atrocity of baby-killing.

The most powerful speaker, in my mind, was Pastor Luke Robinson. I'll quote from an article written by Tom McFeely on the National Catholic Register earlier today:

Robinson, who is the pastor of Quinn Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Frederick, Md., said while African-Americans constitute 12% of the American population, African-American babies constitute 34% of the country’s total abortions.

“We need change now,” Robinson declared to a chorus of “amens” as he invoked one of Obama’s own campaign themes. “We need to change this picture. We need to stop the slaughter of the innocent unborn, preborn. Please, Mr. President, be the agent of change … commute the sentence of almost fourteen hundred African-American children, and over three thousand children from other ethnic groups, every day in this country. We need change!”

“Abraham Lincoln helped America to be free from slavery. Please help us to be free from abortion,” Robinson continued. “No doubt when President Lincoln came to the White House, he did not understand the full magnitude of why God had called him at that hour. But he grew to the point that he could see that this nation could not live half divided over the question of slavery. And we can not live and survive as we slaughter our children and be divided over this issue. We need change now!”

Said Robinson, “Unless we repent, unless we repent a righteous God must bring this nation and any nation that kills its children to its knees. President Obama, we pray that God can be upon you for the deliverance of our nation by standing up for the life of children in the womb. The blood of the innocent is crying out from the ground, for God to send us a deliverer. Why won’t you let that deliverer be you? We need change now!”
— Tom McFeely

In one appeal to our new president, President Obama, his own words from his inaugural speech were spoken back to him in an impassioned appeal, with the addition of a few words [noted here in all CAPS]:
We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing THE terror OF ABORTION and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.
So powerful!

Life begins at conception...period. In Jeremiah 1:5 God said, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." Not only our life, but the plan of God on our life, is established before we are born. Genesis 1:27a says, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him;" and in Psalm 139:14 we're told that we're "fearfully and wonderfully made".

In Psalm 106:34-48 we read about the Israelites' sin of intermingling with the heathen people. in verses 37-38 we read a particularly heartbreaking verse:
"Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood."

The Children of Israel had disobeyed the command of God and began to dabble in the heathen practices of other religions. It got so bad that they were giving up their own sons and daughters as blood sacrifices for those heathen gods.

We are no different today. But instead of Baal and Ashtoreth and so forth, we go whoring after the gods of convenience and self-pleasure. The voices of our preborn children are drowned out by the small minority that has so far succeeded in dictating the laws that govern the unwilling majority.

Won't you let your voice be heard? God gave YOU the Gift of Life. I saw a sign today that said, "Funny, everyone who is For abortion, had the opportunity to be born themselves." How can we be so quick to snuff out the gift of life for countless thousands of babies daily when we ourselves had a chance to wake up this morning to live out another day?

I could go on and on, but I'll leave you with some pictures from the March instead.

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