Saturday, February 21, 2009

Live From the NFRW Campaign Management School in Richmond...

We're almost 4 hours into an all day NFRW Campaign Management School. It has been both informative AND very interesting. The class is being taught by Campaign Consultant Holly Robichaud from Massachusetts. She is a fireball who is a wealth of great information.

I've been to classes on other topics where the speaker was primarily hawking his or her own services, but that's certainly not the case here. Holly is more than willing to share all that she's learned over the years to help assure that candidates and campaign managers are equipped with the information needed to WIN an election.

We're learning about writing a campaign plan, what elements are needed for a campaign, things to assess in both your candidate and in the opponent, media coverage,fund raising, voter contact and more! I don't want to give out any secrets, but I will encourage my readers to find out when the next CM School is being held and sign up for it. It's well worth the $75 investment!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Live From the Attorney General Debate in Roanoke...Post 2

Hey folks, this is live blogging by a VERY slow typist, so I've done my best. What you're going to read is not to be taken as a direct quote. If you were there and feel that I've "misquoted" one of the candidates, please let me know. Thanks!

Question: What exceptions should there be to abortion?


KC: Life begins at abortion. It should be protected from the moment of conception until end of life. Only candidate with a record that shows that I will stand in the same place the day after the election as I did during the election. When the life of the mother is at risk we should allow the mother to protect herself.

JB: Life begins at conception. I will do everything in my power to protect that. Using movie about a pregnant teen as an example of the power of using the facts to change people's mind. I agree with Mr. Cuccinelli that when the life of the mother is at risk we should allow the mother to protect herself.

DF: Restrict abortions further. Seek concensus that would restrict abortions. Have not drawn a line in the sand as to where the line should be drawn. Personally I oppose abortion. Rape and incest and life of the mother would be instances where it should be allowed.

Question: Role of AG in rate cases for Energy Corp Commission.


JB: Look at facts and law to determine if Power company should be forced to lower the rates. The role of the AG is not to be the legislator. it's to get the facts and the law and make a determination as to where that leads. if the law, in fact dictates that the little guy wins, then that's where it goes, and the same with the companies.

DF: Expedite energy projects. Virginia Share not tied up in red tape. Off shore drilling should be OUR decision, not the Fed Gov. Expedite the projects so it's not 10 years out.

KC: Needs of consumers and realistic market analysis. These are not free companies. Don't want to let regulatory agency help them to get what they want, higher rates. Most recently re-regulated electricity. AG advocate for all of us in regards to power rates.

History of AG bailing and running for Governor. Will you pledge to remain as AG and support Bill Bolling in 2011 if he runs for Governor?

KC: Fools errand to run against Bill Bolling after he stepped aside for Bob McDonnell. I would not run against him.

JB: What Bolling did was something special. It is an important precedent that should be followed. I will support him and let him run. I'm going to support him for what he did for the party.

JF: I certainly would not expect to run against Bill Bolling. I'd have to have a really good reason. I'm here to help get them elected.

Question from JB re: "Triggerman" legislation that was passed.
Every Rep has voted to override this bill. Can I get s pledge that you will fight to overcome this bill.

JF: Bad bill. Should be able to go after those involved. The man who drives the vehicle is no less culpable than the man who pulls the trigger. I support repealing the Trigger Man Rule.

KC: There are many exceptions to the triggerman rule that I support. Vote against Dem efforts at moratoriums on the death penalty. I am against the complete abolition of the Trigger Man Rule.

Question from Dave Foster: John, you've never run for public office. Ken, you won each time with an increasingly smaller margin. What do you bring to the table in this race?

I come to this from the courtroom. Spent my life fighting for justice. Voters will ask, "Who is best prepared to protect my family and make my neighborhood safer?" Your races were regional races. Ken's support of transferring 10% of educational resources to his region shows that he runs a regional race. I'm the only candidate who's done the job that the voters will look for.

KC: The legislation I wrote would not have cost this area or any other area a penny. Grabbed future funding. All without raising taxes. Yeas Northern VA is tough. I've won in N. VA on the same issues that the voters are looking for.

Question from Ken Cuccinelli: Jay, you were County Coordinator for ___________. Did you donate funds to either John Warner and ___________Miller?

DF: I don't remember, but I think I did to John Warner because I was working with his campaign.

JB: I'm confident that I supported John Warner.

Question: Votes you regret? Where is it OK to bend your principles and where is it not?

DF: Votes I lost. Charter schools. Sharing bus rides with private school students.

KC: On property rights...Still fighting for property rights. Have built bi-partisan votes and will do it again.

JB: Problem is regional candidates with regional issues running statewide.

Question: If the General Assembly passes a bill you don't agree will you handle that, especially enforcing those laws?

KC: Decisions have to be run through a constitutional filter. When an Attorney General knows that a statute that was passed is unconstitutional he should not defend it. If the law is constitutional he has to defend it, whether he likes it or not. My clients are the people of Virginia. If I don't like a law that was passed I can go to the legislators and try to get that changed, but until then I have to defend it.

JB: Another layer or test is, "Is it moral?" Also say I concur that it is our duty to defend the laws of the Commonwealth.

DF: I don't apply that additional personal filter. If it is a constitutional law that is passed, it's the Attorney General's responsibility to defend it.

Would you support a move toward non-partisan redistricting?

KC: There is a need for a more unbiased system. The grassroots people of Virginia would benefit the most from an unbiased system.

DF: Would be interested in exploring that. People want to know there is bi-partisan work going on to defend them. It would be in the interest of the Commonwealth, the people, and any businesses we hope to attract here.

JB: We have to win these races in November to have any hope. I trust the voters to make a decision on these issues and then the delegates will vote on it. I support taking a look at this, but I'm not so sure about it. What does that mean, non-partisan. My focus is on winning elections.

Question: In 18 months since report from VT shooting, have we done enough to increase Campus security?

DF: No, not enough. Will take a multi-layer emphasis. Need to do a better job of communicating to responsible authorities when people who are troubled need help. Local autonomy sometimes yields better solutions.

JB: Not enough yet.. Folks are still working on it., I had to respond to it personally at VT. Stayed there till all removed from crime scene. Part of my plan to increase overall safety at all schools. Educators, architects. Doors didn't have deadbolt locks. They would have saved lives. Have a lot of work to do in VA.

KC: Doing things that are already making our communities more secure. Need to plan ahead for the future. Years long effort.

Closing Statements:

JB: Thanked all involved in this debate. Received endorsement of 6th District Bob Goodlatte today and also from Thelma Drake. Offering bold, new leadership that comes from the courtroom. I've spent a lifetime in the court rooms trying to bring justice and make a safer Virginia.

KC: Thanks to all involved. We need to build as ap party. Foundations should be built on core principles. Bolling and McDonnell lost my districts in 2005, and I can bring 10's of thousands of votes to the table. Proper foundation for good policy. Doesn't do any good to elect someone who won't follow their core set of values and principles. I'm the only one who has a track record for that. I'm the only Republican of 10 senators in N. Virginia, covered by the endangered species act up there!

DF: 7:30-9am tomorrow AM at Mill Mountain Coffee downtown. We've talked about a lot of issues, but the biggest issue is the economy. It's not going to be done the way they're doing it in Washington. We need someone who knows how to deal with businesses here and I'm the one who's had 28 years experience in dealing with businesses.

Live From the Attorney General Debate in Roanoke...Post 1

Things are under way now. The auditorium is packed. Tonight's moderator is Jay Warren. Although many in the crowd may have already made up their mind in regards to who they are supporting in this important primary, there is still an opportunity to sway the minds of the undecided.

Dave Foster - Arlington.
John Brownlee - Roanoke County.
Ken Cuccinelli - Fairfax County.

Opening Statements:

Cuccinelli: 18th year in grassroots politics. Only Republican of 10 State Senators in Northern VA. Run and won on Death Penalty, Pro-life, leader in Gen Assembly on Property Rights. Protecting traditional family avalues. Fighting tax and spending issues since in Senate. Long record as a conservative. Can look at my votes and tell what I believe. Running, legislating,and winning in N. Virginia without sacrificing my principles.

Foster: I can do the most to elect Bolling/McDonnell in November. Electability and Jobs Creation. Electability - Won 2 elections in Arlington. Won with over 50% and re-elected with over 62%. Teaching English as a Second Language. Jobs Creation: Election about ...3 decades working with businesses. Know what attracts businesses to states and drives them away.

Brownlee: Regardless of who you pick you're going to get a good solid conservative. But it takes more than that. You've got to nominate a prosecutor. As a matter of record, voters pick prosecutors. Our opponent is a prosecutor and I'm the only prosecutor and a military Veteran.

Question: What in your legal career makes you most qualified to be AG?

DF: AG runs the 3rd largest law firm in the country. My background is that I'm practiced in one of the largest law firms in Virginia. Had experience in all of the areas of law that the AG deals with.

KC: Has worked in both a large firm and started my own firm myself. Also bring a large amt of experience in this area in the legislative area. Corporate counseling experience...It makes a difference on who you choose based on the Core Issues.

JB: We've re-defined job to fit the need. AG is our state's top prosecutor. I'm the only candidate who's run a law firm just like this position. Criminal...Civil...

Gearing up for the Attorney General Debate in Roanoke, VA...Live, Tonight!!!

In just under 1-1/2 hours the three Virginia, Republican, Attorney General Candidates will take the stage at Patrick Henry High School in Roanoke, VA for a live debate. We will be blogging live to give you up-to-date information on what the candidates have to say on the issues that are important to you! Make sure you join us online if you can't be here in person!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thoughts From Today's "Senate Watching"

I have to say, I've never had an opportunity to watch our legislators in session. Yes, I know, in Virginia you can go online and watch live via streaming video, I just haven't taken the time to do that. It's been an interesting experience watching the debate between opposing sides and hearing the passion with which each side defends its viewpoint.

I really never thought about the process in which a bill is passed into law. Well, I take that back...School-House-Rock had a great teaching about a Bill becoming a law, that I remember from when my kids were little! LOL! Ok, other than that, when I was in school US Government was NOT my subject of choice!

Everything we observed today on the bills that were discussed has to be repeated in the House of Delegates...each bill has to go through the particular committee that it's related to and go through whatever changes they make. From the House Committee it will go to the House Floor and be discussed, go through three formal readings, and then be voted upon, with whatever changes or amendments they decide upon. After a bill is passed in both the Senate and House it goes to the Governor's office for his changes and final approval or disapproval.

I have a renewed interest in the Legislative process after being here today, and appreciate the fact that I live in a country that operates under a republic and allows me to not only observe my lawmakers in action, but to sit here with my laptop and report what's happening without censorship. May we never lose that right.

Live From The Virgina State Senate Gallery...Choose Life License Plate

There was a small amount of debate on this issue. There is a state requirement that in order for a new plate to be considered, the patron must show a demand of at least 50 citizens who are requesting the specialty plate. Senator Ken Cuccinelli (R) reported that he had in his office 450 DMV applications (complete with payments in check form) for the Choose Life license plate in anticipation of the bill's passage. I am excited to report that the Senate Bill allowing a state license plate promoting "Choose Life" has been approved. Now it's on to the House of Delegates for another round of discussion and review.

Live From The Virgina State Senate Gallery...Bio-Diesel Mandate For State Fleet

Wow! What debate there has been on S.B. 1146! The bill is in regards to mandating the State motor vehicle fleet to use Bio-diesel fuel, not to exceed 5% more than the cost of petroleum-based diesel. There have been some very good arguments from both sides of the bill.

Passage of the bill would help provide incentives for development of new bio-diesel technology and companies. It would also be a move toward less dependency on foreign fuels. It has also been shown that bio-diesel is better for engines and can increase the life of the engine.

But, it could also potentially cost VDOT an additional 1-5% more than petroleum based diesel. One of the problems that some senators have had is that it would impact the buget without going back through the Senate Finance Committee. Senator Whipple, the bill's patron, assured everyone that the Transportation Dept has already stated that they are able to absorb the cost into their budget.

There was also discussion about the impact on agriculture in Virginia. It was pointed out that bio-diesel is made from a variety of sources including algae and other oil-based products.

I can see good points from both sides...

This Senate Bill passed 29-11. As with everything else that has passed today, this bill will now be on its way to the House of Delegates for the next leg of legislative review.